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I have been given a gift, a gift I love to share!

I am here to be your concierge and personal consultant, but I am also here to give you the tools and help you grow.

I am


Marketing is about building relationships. My designing is geared towards connecting. I believe relationships are the number one asset in any business. Being social is not a choice it is a neccessity - on and off line!






Your marketing has to

include follow-up!

I have put together

"7 Things to include in Your Follow-up Marketing"

so follow-up can be more simple!Get your free copy

emailed to you be filling out form below. You will

also be added to our mailing list so you can

recieve great marketing info on a regular basis.

About Me:

Professional, Designer, Marketer, Survior, Mother, Friend, Dreamer, Etc...


...I am a survivor, who had a second chance at life and wanted to find something in my "Marketing & Design World" that shared the gratiude I felt everyday. I found it and am grateful to share these amazing services for people like yourself. I get paid to be nice to people and show others how to appreciate and build personal and professional relationships with others...


New Adventures:

Empowered Women of Social Media


I am here to be your concierge and personal consultant, but I am also here to show you the tools and help you grow your brand. Click on the book to download some of the examples of product and services I can introduce you to.

Contact info:

Call/Text: 920-205-6805



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2014 Marq-it Design Creative Boutique Agency

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